Green is our color, green is our mission

Cargo Hold & Hull Cleaning Robot

Nowadays everybody is talking about reducing the CO2 emission or treating the ballast water to protect the environment. But what about chemicals on board, especially for cargo hold cleaning at a Bulk Carrier? Still to be discharged in the ocean.

CLIIN Robotics is offering a solution for that. Environmentally friendly and reducing the operational expenses at the same time by speeding up the cleaning process.

CLIIN ROBOTICS developed a robot for easy and chemical free cargo hold cleaning.

Brief benefits

Environmentally friendly, as no more chemicals but hot water with around 200bars is needed.

Improving the working condition and will be safer for the crew, as the robot is remote controlled from safe distance without climbing up the cargo holds.

More efficient, it will make sure that the vessel will be ready for her next cargo much faster.

CLIIN is currently working on a retrofit, to enable the robot, to carry out the hull cleaning at the underwater area of a ship. Official launch to follow early 2024.

Please also visit their YouTube channel, showing several videos, showcasing and describing the use of the robot:

For further information or questions please feel free to contact us at any time.