Nowadays everybody is talking about reducing the CO2 emission or treating the ballast water to protect the environment. But what about chemicals on board, especially for cargo hold cleaning at a Bulk Carrier? Still to be discharged in the ocean.
CLIIN Robotics is offering a solution for that. Environmentally friendly and reducing the operational expenses at the same time by speeding up the cleaning process.
CLIIN ROBOTICS developed a robot for easy and chemical free cargo hold cleaning.
CLIIN is currently working on a retrofit, to enable the robot, to carry out the hull cleaning at the underwater area of a ship. Official launch to follow early 2024.
Please also visit their YouTube channel, showing several videos, showcasing and describing the use of the robot:
For further information or questions please feel free to contact us at any time.
We are available 24/7 to deliver the best shipyard service for dockings, repair & refit or emergency cases, since 1983.
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