Green is our color, green is our mission

About us

We are CombiTrade!

CombiTrade can be reached 24/7 and offers professional assistance focusing specifically on technical management, ship operation and helping owners in search of a repair facility or other services for their ships.

Finding the most suitable drydock or repair facility based on the vessel’s position and arranging for quality workmanship as well as keeping deviation and the off-hire time to a minimum is our aim. We coordinate the negotiations between the shipyard, service workshops and the owners and offer to take an active role in discussing the details of the tender, projects or services before placing the order. After order has been placed, we accompany superintendents during the entire docking process. As a maritime service provider we respect our client’s interests and wishes and sense changing demands. Bearing in mind the position and/or route of a ship, CombiTrade arranges suitable dry dock capacities and organizes repair companies around the globe quickly and reliably, thus minimizing costs and ship outages.

Our Mission

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